That's the problem; a history is not unbiased, it is not fair (as in, "you've only heard his side of the story" – and it usually is 'his', not her). And it most certainly is not complete.
To try and fully understand the complexity of a recorded history of a person, a place, an event or a time period, we will begin with an individual: you, or me. We have many opportunities each day to make our mark. We email or text others, we take photographs, we complete forms (some for ordering products and others for banks and to record official events, such as births). Our belonging to groups may include records of membership, decisions made or newsletters of our contributions. Who knows how many records are made of our employment, our health, our travel, our pensions. We may write a letter, and if it is to a newspaper or journal, that and our name may be published and may form part of a dialogue.
Our daily lives are recorded in so many ways, most of them with at least some of our personal details. Whether it all gets left around to be picked up by historians in five hundred years time will depend on how effective our descendant communities are in sifting and keeping; passing on our records or stories for future generations. Who knows how permanent our digital records will turn out to be. And if our photos are so personal to us why are we so casual about storing them, unsorted and unlabelled on our phones?
Thomas and Elizabeth, and others like them, were used to moving from one place to another, but we do not know whether they knew each other, married and had children, or whether they lived their lives as strangers. They represent the wide base of a pyramid of sixteenth century existence in every part of the country and in those parts of our east end of St Albans at that time occupied.
So, who gets to tell the paragraphs, pages and chapters of our collective history? Power, influence and education have counted for most of the contributions, and our knowledge of the history of these islands have been dependent on the parts of the story they chose to tell us. Those parts played by all the Elizabeths and Thomases down the ages are largely absent. If we were aware of their evidences, surely that would provide us with a much more rounded account. As it is, a democratic process it most definitely is not.